Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (3)

We always think about Christianity as a tolerant religion! No matter with that at all, but the problem appears when secular intellectuals want to corner Christianity and Christian people in this situation under strange and odd criteria! When the issue of freedom of expression exists, they want Christian people immediately to join them in the hullabaloo of criticizing religions and God, or at least to be quiet and polite and not to say a single word against disbelievers!
They want believers to believe in the full list of human rights (the secular international list) before they believe in holly books! They have to do that or they will be branded as extremists or terrorists!
Christian people are not obliged to do that! Even in Bible, the prophet of tolerance and love Jesus, the Christ told his disciples about these cities:
"How terrible it will be for you, Chorzin! How terrible for you too, Besthsaida! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon the people there would have long ago sat down, put on sackcloth, and sprinkled ashes on their selves, to show that they had turn from their sins! God will show more mercy on the Judgment day to Tyre and Sidon than to you. And as for you Capernaum! Did you want to lift yourself up to the heaven? You will be thrown down to hell"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (2)

I feel some hesitance before telling people any thing about this rubbish, but I think I have to do so. Faithful people and believers must say their comments upon this matter.
*This is the dialogue which people can hear it Sarah's clip about having sex with god:
God: I had a really good time last night. A really, really good time.
Silverman: Thaaaanks (in a disdainful tone). Me too.
God: Come to heaven with me today.
Silverman: Today.
God: You'll see the past and the future. You can fly, and I will introduce you to Thomas Jefferson.
Silverman: Oh, awesome. I told my friend, Natalie, I'd help her move, though….
God: I can stop time!
Silverman: That is so sweet. Oh, your pants are over there. I mean, not like I'm asking you to leave. I just mean, like if you can't see it from this angle of still being in my bed.
God: Right, I should go.
Silverman: OK, um, all right, so, I guess I'll see you around some time.
God: Do you mean it?! Or are you just saying that?
Silverman: I don't just say things. I'm a lot of things. I'm not dishonest.
God: Can I get your cell number?
Silverman: I don't have a cell phone.
At that point, Silverman's cell phone starts ringing and the embittered God character zips up his pants. At the conclusion of the episode, Silverman knees God in the groin.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (1)

Do you believe it; they want to tell jokes about God. They want laugh and have fun and justify all that according to freedom of expression.
This time it was not an ordinary joke!
The American popular comic Sarah Silverman said that she had sex with God!
This is the title of her video:

'Naughty hottie' has sex with 'God' on TV
Comic Sarah Silverman depicted in carnal relations with Almighty

Before we comment, we have to know what the religion opinion about that:
Quran: ATtawbah 65,66
{And if you asked them, they will surely say, "We were only conversing and playing". Say, "Is it God and his verses and his Messenger that you were mocking * Make no excused; you have disbelieved; (rejected faith) …. }
Bible: Luke 6-26
{How terrible for you who laugh now; you will mourn and weep!}

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's time for joking!

Three white men were drinking in a local pub after Obama won the election.
Man 1: Do you know how it happened? Why did we vote for Obama?
Man 2: I really don't know, it seems to be like going to bathroom early in the morning, then you pressed the tooth paste strongly, half of it went out, then a man said to you I can put it back in the tube, you allow him to do that, just to see what he is going to do!
The third man was drinking just like a fish!
Man3: Hey guys it seems to be a little different for me, just like going to bath room early in the morning and pressing my stomach strongly, and that man said I can put it in again!

A wet blanket is not a blanket, and politicized justice is not justice!

Old and new proverbs: A wet blanket is not a blanket, and politicized justice is not justice!
What does the term OCAMBO stand for?
O: odd and evil logic!
C: cover your eyes from Israel crimes.
A: abnormal situation!
M: make media-weeds about Janjaweeds!
B: big lies about justice and human tights!
O: ok for colonization, unfortunately said by some third world educated people!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Al-Wahid under investigation in France; Why Al-Bashir is so popular?

"Tell them all, the ICC prosecutor, the members of the court and every one who supports this court that they are under my shoe"
Al-Bashir said these strong words in front of 10,000 Sudanese Citizen in Al-Fashir, the historical capital of Darfur after ICC late decree.
Why this man is so popular? This is the question which Abd Al-Wahid Nur hates to hear it! He did his best to convince his supporters in France and UK and USA with the opposite. After marathon trips and efforts he began to prove for them that he is more popular than Al-Bashir, at least in Darfur.
Al-Bashir in his late visit to Darfur confirmed his popularity again.
10,000 people or more gathered to dance with him. All western media said before that Darfur is a war torn region. They almost have proved that three out ten Darfurians have their weapons.
Let us say one out of ten. Can you imagine that a war criminal can move freely through crowds with 1,000 guns in a place which he practiced genocide (as western media said depending on some NGOs reports!)
Remember that all Darfurian cities are open and there is no complete governmental control, not for war but for weakness of the state in all third world countries!Al-Bashir is popular, and I am sure that Abd Al-Wahid now is under investigation in France. He is accused of fabricating misleading reports

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The strange syndrome of suspicious NGOs in Darfur-Sudan, humanity concepts and immorality aspects in western media! (2)

Oil-for-Food program! This is absolutely well-known. When you hear about it you will remember immediately the plight of Iraq and Iraqi people. After years of hullabaloo in the name of humanity and after hundreds of organizations settled in Iraq, till now Iraqi people have no food and they do not save their oil. In realty, it was (No food-No oil program). USA grabbed their land and their oil.
According to security and oil agreements they have lost every thing. War and instability destroyed their agricultural schemes.
It is a bad endless story, but unfortunately, it repeats it self now in Darfur.
Now in Sudan we have a program worse than the Iraqi one, we have (Testimonies- for-Food)!
The new role for human organizations is to take people from their homeland to Paris in France and Hague in Holland to teach them their testimonies and what they have to say against Al-Bashir regime!
In Sudan, now there are two black lists for organizations; in the first list there is a well-known case. The scandal of the French organization that accused of trafficking in Children.
In the second list we have new ten organizations but I need some time to collect information.

List (1)
Organization: Arch de zewe.
Country: France.
Accusation: Trafficking in children.

List (2)
To be continued …

Friday, March 6, 2009

The strange syndrome of suspicious NGOs in Darfur-Sudan, humanity concepts and immorality aspects in western media! (1)

Do you remember what the president of Chad General Idriss Déby said to the French team of that organization after they have been arrested by his soldiers in in Abatshi - Chad? He said in an angry and decisive accent: “you raped our children, this a case of sexual abuse, and you want to sell them in Europe for this purpose”. But Déby was wise enough to forgive them after a couple of weeks, he did so in the name of humanity and volunteer work. Actually, he took the right decision in the right time to keep him self in power.
According to these criteria, the Sudanese president Omar al-Beshir must do the same, or he will be judged as war criminal, do not think about this as a kind of exaggeration!
Sudanese Government must withdraw its decision which has dismissed licenses of ten foreign organizations. It must allow them to continue collecting evidences against the government to help Mr. Ocambo in his poor case.
In realty, the role of these foreign organizations is distributing food and medicines that provided by international organization such as WFP and UNICEF; the preferable ten organizations distribute foodstuffs and collect fabricated evidences under the new and hidden slogan (Testimonies-for-Food)!
Sudan also must ask "Arch de zewe" the French organization to come back to abduct more Sudanese children, not for sexual abuse as Déby said before but because of urgent human needs for their parts in surgical operations for white European children; they need kidneys and hearts and other parts!This is the role of NGOs in Africa and this must be the role of African Governments.

Israel: No, for Falasha Jews. Yes, for Abd Al-Wahid refugees! (2)

The merciful and democratic state of Israel has closed the door for Ethiopian Jews immigrants, and now there is a continuous discussion about African Jews plight, the Falasha, about their rights inside/outside Israel. Even American Jewish communities took many steps against Israeli Government for its stance against its “citizens-to be”.
The Interior Minister in Israel Meir Sheetrit said:
“I don't care. If they want to take care of them, they can take them to America. Why I haven't seen them take even one Ethiopian to America?”
Jerusalem Post reported that the Interior Minister Sheetrit is suggesting that Israel will abandon the Law of Return which states that any Jew can become a citizen of Israel automatically.
The Israeli government officially, announced in August 2, 2007 that the door will soon close for Falasha with maybe a further 3,000 to be the last accepted. Thousands will miss out.
But Abd Al-Wahid is very happy with his refugees!
"I went there to meet my fellows from Sudan and Darfur particularly. Since the opening of our office there last year, I was thinking about this trip to meet the members of the movement there."
This what Abd Al-Wahid said as a reason of his late visit to Talaviv during Doha talks!
Do you think he has any options to choose the time of his visit; it had to be during Doha Talks, not before not after. Israel wanted him to be there just to send its messages to Doha and Khartoum. They used him just as a tool, as a puppet or any cheep thing.
They ordered him also to talk about the issue of Sudanese refugees in Israel, and he did what had been taught.
No leader can put him self in such a suspicious position unless he has been completely managed by a foreign power.
How could Abd Al-Wahid then say to Al-Jazeera: “it is my responsibility as a leader of Sudanese people”? He can’t choose times and directions for his movements.
Abd Al-Wahid by his visit to Israel gave the Sudanese Government a conclusive proof that Darfur crisis is manipulated by foreign hands and Jewish lobbies; Darfur crisis from A to Z is not a pure Sudanese issue.
Do you think Israel welcomed Abd Al-Wahid and his refugees for the sake of Africa, the black continent and Darfur, the ancient Islamic sultanate of Sudanese Fur?
It couldn’t be true, because Israel has already closed the door for true real Jews.
There are thousands of Falasha who are living in Ethiopia, longing to join their families in Israel, but no way, the door is closed.
Can we talk after that about Muslims rights to live in Israel?

Israel: No, for Falasha Jews. Yes, for Abd Al-Wahid refugees! (1)

Before the beginning of (Doha Talks), I said that the worse still coming; Abd Al-Wahid (a Sudanese rebel against Omar Al-Basheer) and Israeli Government planning to increase the number of Sudanese refugees in Israel.
They want to fabricate an international issue using hundreds of people, hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of lies!
Surly, this will be the expected Israeli response for any new step toward peace and stability in Sudan.
All Abd Al-Wahid tours in US and France were only for this purpose. It is easy for him to finance trips for refugees from Chad to Cyprus or France then to “the promised land” for Abd-Wahid fellows not for Jews this time!
Now he is praising Israel for showering its sympathy and mercy upon poor Sudanese.
In contrast, in the same time, among Jewish communities in US and Western Europe, Government of Israel has been accused of insulting African Jews not African Muslims! What a strange! Let us know more about this.

Mr. Beelzebub speaking in the ICC!

Although I do believe that ICC is a politicized court, no matter to judge it under logic and common sense.
Let us imagine that the general prosecutor of International Criminal Court ICC talking to his assistants about a case, any case, he wants to motivate and activate them to work hard in order to collect more evidences. He already has succeeded in his first preferable step, the arrest warrant, and then he said to his assistants: "I do not want them to be released at all; I want them all to have life imprisonment or at least 15-20 years."
Is there any evidence in this statement can prove that the general prosecutor abetted his assistants to fabricate false evidences to put innocent people in jail? Or we can just say that he wants to fulfill his mission perfectly?
I know that Mr. Ocambo's image in Sudan now just like Beelzebub (the Arch Devil), surrounded with his devils, but this does not change the rule; No accusations without proofs.
Mr. Ocambo has no evidences against the president of Sudan, Omar Al-Basheer. However, he has been repeating that Al-Basheer said to his soldiers: "I do not want any injured people or war prisoners; I want you to defeat them completely"
In another statement Ocambo added (I want burnt land). In this point specifically Ocambo is a liar, or may be there is mistranslation in his statements, I don't know. Surly, Al-Basheer didn't say that at all. Moreover, we have no expression like this in spoken Arabic in Sudan, simply, people do not use it.
No need to talk about other claims presented by Ocambo witnesses, in a previous trial in another case they changed their testimonies!
Al-Basheer, according to his responsibility as a leader and commander he fought against bloody mutiny and rebel groups. They killed Sudanese soldiers, civilians, children, and women. Do you expect Al-Basheer is going to order his soldiers to kiss them and give them flowers and chocolate?
By common sense Al-Basheer was talking about a heavy blow against militias and rebel groups, against red-handed criminals. He ordered a heavy blow not more than that.
Using the same logic, we can get many evidences to prove that all the case is a big lie; we can do that without any thing but the said statements.
Really, a lie travels around the world while truth is put on her boot.
Do we have another example? Yes we have:
The manager of XYZ Company for cars gathered his employees after a workshop about a new strategy to win the market, the company has already topped the list of cars companies, but they want more success! He said: "I don't want people to drive any other cars, I don't want to see more BMW or VW or TOYOTA moving in our streets"
Under Ocambo's intelligent logic this manager is a criminal, he is an abettor! He wants to destroy other companies, he wants to burn their cars in the streets, and he wants to use illegal means to stop their production!
I invite Mr. Ocambo to have some lessons in philosophy in our universities in Sudan; Africa University, University of Khartoum, Juba University, Neyala University , Omdorman University, Islamic Institute for Translation and others.
We have 28 universities in Sudan ; we have good teachers for him if he is a good student.
I say that because I am confident that any Sudanese student can understand this case better than him.
Mr. Beelzebub, his basic point against the president Omar Al-Basheer is nonsense, we proved this and we will continue, but before that we have to focus on some ideas, and it seems to be philosophical.
There is a major difference between the (legality / illegality) of the results and the (legality / illegality) of the means you use them in order to achieve the results.
Al-Basheer as a leader and a commander gave an order of (a heavy strike) to destroy rebel groups and red handed criminals, but Ocambo tries to fabricate a new philosophy.
He wants to say if the targeted results are killing and destroying enemies, it means that the army is going to kill war prisoners and injured soldiers to accomplish his mission.
Surly no, the army can achieve this result using legal means, simply, to practice only one heavy blow Aagainst the mutineers in a specific area then move to another and so on , this is considered as a kind of "lawful killing"!
Ocambo needs this lesson to know the difference between Means and Results.
More examples:
An officer gave an order to his team, a number of policemen surrounding a building in Hague – Holland (as example), there is a group of terrorists, they have got bombs and explosive belts, if you let them to go outside they will use it, even they are injured or arrested.
The order is: "destroy the building over their heads, kill them all, I do not want you to arrest any one of them alive, do you want to arrest bombs and explosive belts"
Does this order mean that the officer does not believe in law and civil rights for the accused?
Now we want to finish the argument, but let us ask another question: Do you think that Mr. Beelzebub is so stupid that he doesn't know there is not any real evidence against the president, Omar Al-Basheer?
I don't think so! He knows that very well, but it is a politicized court, and he is just a tool.

Eathar Marriage! (2)

I have explained before that the conditions of marriage in Islamic Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) may be negotiable. However, the complete and comprehensive - conditions and elements - list contains: consent (for the man and the woman), dowry, two witnesses, guardian permission and declaration.
The problem that makes Orfi marriage void or invalid under Islamic Fiqh is the absence of guardian permission. Other conditions are negotiable as I said, for example the presence of two witnesses can be considered a semi-declaration case in some schools of Islamic fiqh.
The major problem in Mot'a marriage is having a specific time for the marriage; a date for start and another for end. That means the acceptance of the two parts is invalid.
Therefore, no relation between Eathar and both Mot'a or Orfi Marriage. The first means Temporary Marriage and the second one means Ordinary Marriage.
For Orfi I prefer to choose the term ordinary because it is the opposite of official or formal, I avoid saying custom or civil marriage. The major difference in Orfi Marriage is the document which contains the acceptance of the two parts; it is an ordinary document, just like a private letter. No need then to talk about traditions and customs.
Eathar marriage that approved by the late Sudanese Fatwa means that the wife is going to consider her husband situation and she will make with him a new agreement on her rights in dwelling and expenditure. The point here is the (rights and duties equation) not the conditions.

Eathar Marriage! (1)

Islamic Fiqh Council in Sudan has approved a new kind of marriage; (Eathar Marriage). Have you heard about this kind of marriage that legalized in the late Fatwa "legal Islamic opinion"?
This marriage contains all the conditions of legal marriage in Islamic Fiqh. Therefore, we have no reason to refuse it or to say a single word against it.
Before we discuss that, let us ask; what are the conditions of marriage in Islamic Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)? You can find several opinions in Islamic schools of Fiqh, but the complete and comprehensive list contains: consent (for the man and the woman), dowry, two witnesses, guardian permission and declaration.
However, there are different opinions to explain these conditions, as example the minimum amount of money that can be a dowry in Maliki School of Fiqh is two grams of gold. It equals now 125 SG, nearly $ 55!
In Eathar Marriage all these conditions are valid, but a new concept has appeared in the (rights and duties equation).
Eathar is an Arabic word, it means (altruism or unselfishness). In this case it means that the woman is going to consider her husband-to-be situation and she will make with him a new agreement on her rights; dwelling and expenditure. For example they can meat anywhere for three or five days per month for two years till he can prepare a private house for her.
Because of that, the conservative group who criticized this kind of marriage in Sudan said that it is just Islamicization or legalization for dating!

Obama is not African, he is Arabo- African!

For us, as East African people we do know that Obama is not pure African, he is Arabo - African!Most of Muslims in Kenya were immigrants from two Arab countries, their came for trade. Some of them married African girls, daughters of African tribal men, just to protect them. The two countries are Oman and Yemen. Most of Arab researchers said that Obama’s roots belong to a region in Yemen, its name Hadramoat. The same region of Osama bin laden. Hadr means in Arabic (came) and moat means (death)! People in Hadramoat have two ways to build their names: either to add Ba (father or owner) or Bin (son), as example Bajad, Bakhair, Bakatheer, or Bin Laden, Bin Ahmed, Binhussain and so. RACK means a kind of traditional bags for fishermen: Barack means a man has got a rack. Obama means Abou Alamma; the Aunt’s Father. A man; he or his sons relate to you by woman.
Then, have you ever heard about the story of Prophet Mosses and Egyptian Pharaoh? The king who took his arch foe as a foster sun in his palace.
Now, history repeats it self; the relative of Osama Bin Laden governs America.

Let us criticize President Obama! (2)

All people in Muslim world waited for first Obama's statements upon the issue of Islamic terrorism because it would be the start of his campaign through Islamic countries.
He said in an interview in Al-Arabia channel: "Neither Osama and his Qaida nor all other terrorist, they don't provide a better level of health or education for Muslim people or Muslim children in a single country".
Although these words are true, this method of thinking is not going to work among Islamic world. People know that the battle of Osama Bin Laden is "Islamic dignity" not "third world economics". He and most of September 11 terrorist came from rich Arabic Gulf countries where there are no problems with health and education. Osama thoughts focus on Muslim world rich natural recourses and their poor role in managing their selves. If Mr. Obama wants to defeat terrorists and stop their missiles, he must not escape away from their true questions because this will provide them with more popularity.

Let us criticize President Obama! (1)

It was very strange! We didn't hear any official comments from the White House upon these statements!
In an interview in the first Egyptian channel, Palestinian president Abou Mazin said that he talked to the president Obama in a phone call and he explained for him the Arabic Initiative (Normalization for peace) but Obama said he didn't know all the details that Abou Mazin had explained for him, and he was very confused why such a wonderful initiative hadn't been implemented?
If this really happened, what would we expect from a president doesn't know any thing about the most important conflict in the world? Do you think he was lying at Abou Mazin? No, Obama is not a liar, and this the point. Although it has been generally admitted that Obama is a truthful and honest person, I don't think that he is going to lead America to the security and safety. American Presidency needs a thinker not a dreamer or a speaker, needs a man who has got his own plan, not a man who replaces the wrongs with their direct negatives in a black-white game. Obama according to Abou Mazin statements has no idea about the Arabic Initiative that unanimously adopted by all 22 member states of the Arab League.
Do you believe in this? I do believe, because American newspapers said that Mrs. Sarah Plain doesn't know that Africa is a continent. This is the level of ignorance in American presidency.