Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lubna's second leg match

By\ Makki Al-Maghrabi
In what is seen as a second leg match, some of Sudanese Islamists have criticized the government for giving UN employees immunity to escape prosecution in Sudanese courts. They said all people; especially foreigners must respect Islamic laws in north Sudan.
This happened as reaction of what is called now in western media (trousers trial).
Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese columnist faces 40 lashes if she is convicted of being inappropriately dressed in public for wearing trousers. She was arrested nearly a month ago, under Article 152 of Sudan’s criminal law, which forbids “indecent clothing in public”
The judge has adjourned Lubna’s trial until September to reassess whether she should indeed benefit from diplomatic immunity, despite having quit her job in the UN in Sudan.
"If western media do not respect Islam, they must respect the peace agreement between North and South", Hafeed Abd Allah, Imam of a mosque in Khartoum said. "South Sudan will have referendum in 2011 and North Sudan has the right of Islamic legislation". Hafeed warned secular Sudanese politicians for their stance against Islamic laws describing their steps in supporting Lubna as a breach of the Nivasha agreement. "We are not obliged to respect a torn agreement if the other part wants to cheat in the game"
Lubna's trial raised red signs in the relation between extremists and new modernized Islamic groups, analysts said. "Much of the doctrinal fervor went out of the Islamist revolution when its main ideologue, Hassan al-Turabi, was kicked out of the government in 2000. Since then, there has been a gradual relaxation of the old curfews, dress codes and other social prohibitions", The Observer reported. "Since news of the case broke, Lubna has been celebrated in the western press. She is bemused by the thought of being seen as a heroine, and even more by the idea - suggested by some British newspapers - that she was targeted because she is a Christian". From her part, Lubna criticized in her statements western media, " "I am a Muslim, and a good Muslim," she said." The west really doesn't understand Islam! As Muslims we know that, if the police catch girls and arrest and flog them, we know this is not Islam. But when the government of Bashir does that, the west says: 'Oh, that is Islam.' It presents a bad face of Islam". She explained in an interview in Guardian: "Islam does not say whether a woman can wear trousers or not." "It is not about religion, it is about men treating women badly". She said that her plan is to continue her struggle inside Sudan ,"I will take my case to the upper court, even to the constitutional court," she concluded.
Lubna's statements described by secularists as an unnecessary flexibility against the theocratic state in Sudan. Some of them are afraid of loosing this chance to repeal Islamic laws. "Elements of the Sudanese dictatorship are no fools, the court case will be adjourned repeatedly until the International media lose interest in it" an analyst in the Economist said.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Question about Boston accent?

I have read a good book about American Dialects, but I did not understand this paragraph:
( Then there is the "dominant WASPs" theory, explained by Bergen Evans: " It is more likely that God is concieved of as belonging to the dominant group. If He no longer speaks in Hebew or Latin, He at least has a Boston accent)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chad against Sudan: French missiles and crocodile tears!

Chad; the poorest country in Africa, but it always seizes the top of the list of French loyalists. A small army supported by French forces. Three major French bases in the country and an obedient president, even after his son had been found dead in Paris!
What we have in the new news now?
Sudanese foreign ministry conveyed a strong message to the ambassador of Chad protesting the air strike. Khartoum said: "Three jet fighters from Chad had violated Sudanese air space and bombarded the area of Jabal Sindo which is 60 km inside the Sudanese territory and west of the city of Janiniya, the capital of West Darfur."
We have been hearing these hostilities between Chad and Sudan for several years, and the French role became very obvious, I think we need a deeper view, let us jump to a strange question that I found it in a Sudanese chatting website; DO you expect a black president for France? Because Nicolas Sarkozy now is tracing Bush's steps! Instead of arrogant America we have arrogant France. It seems that western powers go around in circles! Their heads in the clouds, they do not want to listen to any advice, they do not want to live peacefully at all. But their dreams usually turn to nightmares; destroying Somalia cause a chain of regional and international problems ends with piracy. American occupation of Iraq is a disaster and going out suddenly means giving Iran a huge gift!
Fighting in Afghanistan means stirring up a hornet's nest.
Now Sarkozy cooking his own goose, playing a defective role in the Sub-Sahara region, he completely changed Idris Déby in to new African Nouri al-Maliki,
It means that he invited Chadian people to fight against colonization! And for indefinable reasons he is always against Sudan, and his government gives Abdul Wahid El Nur full support and linked him with Talaviv, just to make a contradictory situation that stops any motion towards peace in Darfur!
Moreover, with this defective, French role no hope for normal relation between Khartoum and N'Djamena. The French government unfortunately achieved its goal; more than for years Sudan and Chad have been trading accusations that one backed the other's rebels. Up to seven agreements signed by them to end hostilities, but there is no success, the last of which signed in Qatar, has failed after the late air strike.
The problem of Iraq began in Washington, it ended dramatically with financial crises and political-social change! Now Paris in the same road!
Now I think my question is not strange at all!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (3)

We always think about Christianity as a tolerant religion! No matter with that at all, but the problem appears when secular intellectuals want to corner Christianity and Christian people in this situation under strange and odd criteria! When the issue of freedom of expression exists, they want Christian people immediately to join them in the hullabaloo of criticizing religions and God, or at least to be quiet and polite and not to say a single word against disbelievers!
They want believers to believe in the full list of human rights (the secular international list) before they believe in holly books! They have to do that or they will be branded as extremists or terrorists!
Christian people are not obliged to do that! Even in Bible, the prophet of tolerance and love Jesus, the Christ told his disciples about these cities:
"How terrible it will be for you, Chorzin! How terrible for you too, Besthsaida! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon the people there would have long ago sat down, put on sackcloth, and sprinkled ashes on their selves, to show that they had turn from their sins! God will show more mercy on the Judgment day to Tyre and Sidon than to you. And as for you Capernaum! Did you want to lift yourself up to the heaven? You will be thrown down to hell"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (2)

I feel some hesitance before telling people any thing about this rubbish, but I think I have to do so. Faithful people and believers must say their comments upon this matter.
*This is the dialogue which people can hear it Sarah's clip about having sex with god:
God: I had a really good time last night. A really, really good time.
Silverman: Thaaaanks (in a disdainful tone). Me too.
God: Come to heaven with me today.
Silverman: Today.
God: You'll see the past and the future. You can fly, and I will introduce you to Thomas Jefferson.
Silverman: Oh, awesome. I told my friend, Natalie, I'd help her move, though….
God: I can stop time!
Silverman: That is so sweet. Oh, your pants are over there. I mean, not like I'm asking you to leave. I just mean, like if you can't see it from this angle of still being in my bed.
God: Right, I should go.
Silverman: OK, um, all right, so, I guess I'll see you around some time.
God: Do you mean it?! Or are you just saying that?
Silverman: I don't just say things. I'm a lot of things. I'm not dishonest.
God: Can I get your cell number?
Silverman: I don't have a cell phone.
At that point, Silverman's cell phone starts ringing and the embittered God character zips up his pants. At the conclusion of the episode, Silverman knees God in the groin.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I seek refuge in God from this kind of freedom! (1)

Do you believe it; they want to tell jokes about God. They want laugh and have fun and justify all that according to freedom of expression.
This time it was not an ordinary joke!
The American popular comic Sarah Silverman said that she had sex with God!
This is the title of her video:

'Naughty hottie' has sex with 'God' on TV
Comic Sarah Silverman depicted in carnal relations with Almighty

Before we comment, we have to know what the religion opinion about that:
Quran: ATtawbah 65,66
{And if you asked them, they will surely say, "We were only conversing and playing". Say, "Is it God and his verses and his Messenger that you were mocking * Make no excused; you have disbelieved; (rejected faith) …. }
Bible: Luke 6-26
{How terrible for you who laugh now; you will mourn and weep!}

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's time for joking!

Three white men were drinking in a local pub after Obama won the election.
Man 1: Do you know how it happened? Why did we vote for Obama?
Man 2: I really don't know, it seems to be like going to bathroom early in the morning, then you pressed the tooth paste strongly, half of it went out, then a man said to you I can put it back in the tube, you allow him to do that, just to see what he is going to do!
The third man was drinking just like a fish!
Man3: Hey guys it seems to be a little different for me, just like going to bath room early in the morning and pressing my stomach strongly, and that man said I can put it in again!